magnesium en voeding 9 magnesiumrijke voedingsmiddelen insentials

Magnesium and nutrition: 9 magnesium-rich foods

Magnesium is a powerhouse when it comes to important nutrients. It's a mineral that is essential for maintaining our overall health and well-being. Many people are unaware of the huge effect magnesium has on the functioning of our bodies. Did you know that this mineral is involved in about 300 biochemical processes? It helps with everything from blood sugar regulation to muscle and nerve support.

First and foremost, we get magnesium from our diet. Bananas, for instance, are a well-known magnesium source. However, there are numerous other foods that contain even much higher levels of magnesium. Here's an extensive overview.

magnesium noten zaden pitten insentials

Magnesium in nuts and seeds

You've no doubt heard the advice: eat a handful of nuts a day. Indeed, nuts and seeds are packed with nutrients that are good for you. Proteins, healthy fats, vitamins such as B6 and, of course, minerals including magnesium.

For instance, a 28g portion of Brazil nuts or brazil nuts contains around 120mg of magnesium. That accounts for more than 30% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA). However, it's advisable to eat no more than three brazil nuts a day. This is because, apart from magnesium, they're also very rich in selenium. Consuming too many Brazil nuts could give you an overdose of this mineral.

Besides Brazil nuts, almonds, cashews, flaxseeds, chia seeds and pumpkin seeds also provide a good amount of magnesium. So next time you feel like a snack, consider a (half) handful of nut and seed mix.

magnesium in donkere chocolade insentials

Magnesium in dark chocolate

Yes, we finally have a good excuse to eat chocolate! Besides iron, fibre, potassium, zinc and phosphorus, among other things, dark chocolate also contains a lot of magnesium. Through a common 28g serving, you get 65mg of magnesium.

Dark chocolate in your diet can be a way to increase your intake of important nutrients. To make the most of the health benefits of dark chocolate, opt for a variety with at least 85% cocoa. Chocolate still contains a lot of calories and sugar though, so eat it in moderation!

"Leafy vegetables are packed with healthy nutrients, including magnesium. Consider them the superheroes of the vegetable kingdom."
boerenkool magnesium groene bladgroenten insentials

Magnesium in green leafy vegetables

Salads sometimes have a somewhat boring reputation. When you hear the word "salad", you might think of a depressing pile of iceberg lettuce topped with nothing more than a slice of tomato and a drizzle of vinaigrette. With a mix of different green leafy vegetables and the right salad toppings, you can turn your salad into a delectable lunch.

Leafy vegetables are packed with healthy nutrients, including magnesium. Consider them the superheroes of the vegetable kingdom.

  • Spinach: Popeye was right about spinach, but not because of its iron content! In fact, there is not as much iron in spinach as is often thought. Magnesium, on the other hand, is abundant in spinach at 87mg per 100g. It suits almost any salad mix, as it's soft and mild in flavour. Besides magnesium, it contains numerous other vitamins and minerals such as potassium and vitamin A.
  • Chard: this vegetable may not immediately ring a bell. Chard is a leafy vegetable that is midway between spinach and beetroot in flavour. The green vegetable is rich in vitamins A, C and K and contains about 86 mg of magnesium per 100 g.
  • Kale: with about 57 mg of magnesium per 100g, this green vegetable is a superstar. Kale is excellent for your overall health as it's high in fibre and antioxidants.
  • Endive: if you like a slightly bitter flavour, then endive is the perfect vegetable to add to your salad. Although not at the top of the list, endive still contains 10mg of magnesium per 100g serving.

So give it a change and don't just take iceberg lettuce or corn salad as a base for your salad. Of course, you can also eat the above vegetables in other ways than in a salad.

Magnesium in avocado

Contrary to what most people think, avocado is a fruit and not a vegetable. However, you won't often find avocado in a fruit salad. They're more likely to be consumed as a vegetable, for example with an egg or in a salad. Hence the confusion.

Avocados are loved for their rich flavour, creamy texture and versatile uses. But did you know that they're also a great source of magnesium? One avocado contains about 58mg of magnesium. Besides magnesium, avocados also contain healthy fats, lots of fibre and vitamins like K and B9 or folic acid.

tofu magnesium insentials

Magnesium in tofu

You love it or you hate it: tofu. This protein-rich product of Chinese origin is made by curdling soy milk.

For many people following a vegetarian or vegan diet, tofu is regularly on the menu. However, a lot of meat eaters also like tofu. It's more than just a meat alternative.

Besides calcium, copper, manganese and selenium, tofu is also rich in magnesium. A 100g serving provides you with 14% of your overall daily allowance of magnesium.

Will you put a curry with tofu on the menu tonight?

Magnesium in salmon and other fish

There's about 27mg of magnesium in 100g of salmon. This may not seem like much compared to nuts or leafy vegetables, yet salmon is still an excellent source of magnesium. It increases your total magnesium intake, which can help prevent deficiencies.

Salmon is also a good source of high-quality protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, B vitamins and selenium.

Next time you enjoy a piece of salmon, remember that it benefits your health in many ways. Besides salmon, you can also add mackerel, halibut and pollock to the menu more often. These types of fish contain 60mg, 23mg and 67mg of magnesium per 100g serving, respectively.

magnesium in peulvruchten insentials

Magnesium in legumes

Beans and other legumes are also a great source of magnesium. Because of their high fibre and protein content, they are a staple food in many parts of the world.

  • Black beans: these beans contain about 70mg of magnesium per 100g. Black beans are not only rich in magnesium, but are also a good source of protein and fibre. Regularly adding black beans to your diet can help support muscle function and energy production.
  • Kidney beans: kidney beans contain 140mg of magnesium per 110g serving. No other type of bean contains this much magnesium. Keep those chilli con carne's or chili sin carne's coming!
  • Pinto beans: slightly less known, but no less delicious and healthy, is the pinto bean. Although they contain slightly less magnesium than other beans, they are still a valuable source of the vital mineral. Pinto beans can be processed in a variety of ways, such as in soups and salads.
  • Lentils: these legumes are known for their rich protein and fibre content. Not surprisingly, they are often central to a vegetarian diet. A 100g serving of cooked lentils contains about 36mg of magnesium.
  • Chickpeas: these light brown balls have become staples in our diet. This is largely due to the popularity of hummus in recent years. Chickpeas contain a nice amount of magnesium as well as a remarkable variety of vitamins. They are especially rich in B vitamins, including vitamin B6 and folic acid.
  • Soybeans: originally from East Asia, these green legumes are now widely consumed for their many health benefits. They're a great option if you want to increase your protein intake. Soybeans form the basis of tofu, which was also discussed above.

Magnesium in bananas

When people suspect they have a magnesium deficiency, such as when they're experiencing frequent nocturnal cramps in the toes or calf, they often put some more banana on the menu. This is a smart move. In fact, an average-sized banana contains about 32mg of magnesium. Although this will take you nowhere near the recommended daily allowance, eating a banana once in a while can certainly make sense.

Tip: opt for an unripe banana

Because they contain more sugar, ripe bananas can cause blood sugar levels to rise sharply. But even an unripe banana, or any type of fruit, is better not consumed for breakfast. To start your day, opt for a savoury breakfast such as eggs with avocado.

magnesium in artisjok insentials

Magnesium in artichoke

Although they rarely get attention when it comes to nutrient-rich vegetables, artichokes are a great source of magnesium. They are a tasty vegetable to increase your intake of magnesium. They also contain lots of vitamins such as K, B6, folic acid and C, minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron and phosphorus, and antioxidants such as quercetin.

The nine foods in this article are not only delicious, they're also a great source of magnesium. Putting them on the menu regularly ensures that you help support more than 300 body processes. For instance, magnesium is involved in bone health, heart rhythm, energy production and muscle function, among other things.

Remember, good health requires a balanced diet with various vitamins and minerals. When the diet doesn't contain enough magnesium or there's an increased need, supplementation can be very helpful.

It's also true that magnesium content in food has declined significantly over the past decades due to various causes. Some of these include soil depletion due to intensive agriculture, the use of chemical fertilisers without magnesium, food processing that removes magnesium, and changing weather patterns due to climate change that affect soil and crop growth*.
