de wetenschap achter insentials

The science behind Insentials

At Insentials, science takes center stage. We understand that there' s a lot of information available in the world of supplements and not all of it is equally reliable.

In this blog, we want to highlight our scientific approach and commitment to quality. At Insentials, we strongly believe in the power of science to promote health and wellness.   

Our supplements are not only based on thorough scientific research, but are also produced to the highest standards for bioavailability and maximum absorption.  

Our team of experts, led by Insentials founder and Nutritional Scientist Amandine de Paepe, is committed daily to developing innovative and effective formulas that support your health.

Thanks to advanced technologies, such as our unique Face Scan, we can accurately determine your specific vitamin needs and make customized recommendations.

Discover with us how we translate science into the most innovative approach in the supplement world and why it matters to your health.

The importance of supplements

Healthy nutrition is always the foundation, but today it's no longer enough. Our soils are less rich in nutrients than they used to be. Scientific studies have shown that soil nutrients have decreased, resulting in less nutritious crops. Reasons for this include:

  • Modern agricultural practices such as the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which accelerate soil depletion and disrupt the soil ecosystem.
  • Intensive agricultural practices and monoculture, which reduce soil quality.

This is partly why supplements are a necessary addition to a healthy diet to ensure you get all the essential nutrients.  

Scientific basis of our supplements

Our supplements are developed with a strong emphasis on scientific evidence. We use ingredients whose efficacy has been demonstrated in multiple studies.

For example, studies on Reducose®, a mulberry leaf extract used in our GLH-2, have consistently shown that it's effective in lowering blood sugar and insulin levels after meals. These scientific insights are applied in our own formulas to provide similar benefits.

Lowering blood sugar and insulin levels 

For example, studies have shown that Reducose® significantly helps reduce total blood sugar by 30-33% and peak blood sugar by 26-32% after meals. Total insulin response was also reduced by 31-38%.

In a double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study in healthy adults, these findings were confirmed at different doses of Reducose® (200 mg, 225 mg, 250 mg).

Long-term effect  

Other studies, including those by Lown et al. (2017) and Thondre et al. (2021), have demonstrated the efficacy of Reducose® after consumption of maltodextrin and sucrose. These studies showed that Reducose® lowers the glycemic index (GI) of common carbohydrates, contributing to better blood sugar control.

Safety and tolerance  

The safety of Reducose® has been confirmed in several toxicological studies. The extracts were found to be well tolerated without significant side effects, which is important for long-term use.  

Consult the references

"Our own in-house studies are based on existing scientific publications and allow us to gather direct evidence on how our supplements perform under real-world conditions."

In-house studies

In addition to using existing literature, we also conduct our own in-house studies. An example of this is our study on the efficacy of our GLH-2. So we basically replicated the existing studies on Reducose.

In this study, our >300 participants wore a glucose monitor. We saw lower glucose spikes, linked to specific dietary intake, after taking the GLH-2 just before meals. This led to more stable blood sugar levels and participants reported feeling significantly better.

  • More than 90% ate fewer snacks  
  • More than 24% no longer had sugar cravings at all and more than 73% only had sugar cravings in certain situations (e.g. just after meals, during fatigue, ...), only 2.4% still had sugar cravings
  • More than 55% saw an improvement in their bowel movements
  • More than 76% had better body composition  
  • 62% slept better  

These studies are based on existing scientific publications and allow us to gather direct evidence on how our supplements perform under real-world conditions.

The difference in ingredients and manufacturing processes

Unlike many other supplement brands, we manufacture locally to ensure the highest quality standards. It's also true that there can be a big difference in the quality of ingredients.

For example, the collagen we use in our Smart Collagen Shots is a high-quality, highly hydrolyzed form, which ensures better absorption and effectiveness. Many brands use cheaper collagen types that are less effective.

Our Instant Energiser contains highly absorbable magnesium ions, as opposed to magnesium oxide which is used by many brands due to its lower cost.

Magnesium oxide, however, is barely absorbed by the body.  

With this approach, we strive to bring you the best products that are both scientifically based and effective.

Revolutionary Technology: Face Scan

At Insentials, we not only want to innovate with our supplements, but also think further to support your health. Therefore, we are proud to introduce our advanced Face Scan, developed in collaboration with IntelliProve and the University of Delft. This technology has recently also been used by the White And Yellow Cross.

The unique Face Scan technology uses photoplethysmography (PPG) to provide accurate health measurements by detecting changes in blood flow in your face. Thanks to advanced AI and machine learning algorithms, we gain insight into your cardiovascular health, including heart rate and heart rate variability.

After the Face Scan analysis, you receive a personalized vitamin plan in less than 20 seconds. Depending on individual differences, additional short questions may be asked to further refine the recommendations.

Of course, a personal consultation is always possible, with additional blood analysis, DNA testing or blood sugar measurements.  

Read more about the Face Scan

Collaboration with medical professionals

Insentials works closely with leading physicians such as Professor Dr. Carlos Van Mieghem, cardiologist at AZ Groeninge Kortrijk and professor at KU Leuven. Dr. Marijke Aerts, a renowned gynecologist specializing in reproductive medicine, was a speaker at our 360° Menopause Congress and shared her knowledge in a podcast with Dr. Dirk Smet, founder of Shinncare and gynecologist at MOM Gynecology.

These collaborations highlight that supplements and conventional medicine are not mutually exclusive, but rather mutually reinforcing. By joining forces with medical professionals, we strive for an integrated approach to health that includes both preventive and curative care.

Keep following us for more scientific insights and discover how Insentials can improve your health.