Our vitamin K2 or menaquinone is a fat-soluble vitamin (soluble in the adipose tissues). It takes its name from the German Koagulation, which relates to its role in blood clotting. Dose: 75 µg per day.

Wat is het wetenschappelijk bewijs van Vitamin K2

An insufficient vitamin K intake leads to bruising, nosebleeds, dark black stools, heavy periods and osteoporosis. Some studies report that the lower the vitamin K intake, the higher the risk of fractures. It is therefore advisable to ensure an adequate vitamin K intake, to prevent
the risk of osteoporosis. In Europe, the EFSA committee (EFSA, 2006; 2010)
stipulated that the intake in adults and children should represent the equivalent of 1 μg/kg of
body weight, even if the origin of the intake is mainly an endogenous bacterial source (intestinal microbiota).

Waar is Vitamin K2 goed voor

Gewrichten, tanden, botten.

Waar wordt Vitamin K2 gevonden

Fermented soybean paste (miso), liver, milk, cheese, yoghurt and fish oils.

Wat zijn de voordelen van Vitamin K2

Vitamin K exists in three forms:

  • Vitamine K1 of plant origin is present in food
  • Vitamine K2 produced by the bacteria in the intestines and in food
  • Vitamine K3 obtained by chemical synthesis.

It helps:

  • to keep bones healthy
  • with blood clotting

Science in numbers

Alternative name


Number of studies


Discovered in

